Current Course Offerings
To see course descriptions, please visit the undergraduate bulletin.
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics (2 sections)
LIN 310. Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
LIN 340/GES 395. Special Topics in Linguistics- German Second Language Acquisition
EDU/ANT 353. Language in Education
GES 345. History of the German Language
SPA 322. Spanish Pronunciation and Dialect Variation
SPA 385. Special Topics in Translation: Next-Gen Spanish Translation
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics (2 sections)
LIN/EAL 260. Global Work and Life: A Chinese Linguistics Approach
LIN 340/WRI 310. Interaction in Language: Introduction to Written Discourse Studies
LIN/ENG 390. The Structure of English
SPA 371. Contrastive Spanish/English Grammar and Stylistics
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics (2 sections)
LIN/ENG 309. Modern English Grammar
LIN 330. Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition
LIN 380. Quantitative Text Analysis
EDU 354E. Teaching World Languages
SPA 322. Spanish Pronunciation and Dialect Variation
SPA 373. Language and Society
LIN/ANT 150. Introductions to Linguistics (2 sections)
LIN/EDU 337. TESOL Linguistics
LIN/ANT 354. Methods in Linguistics Anthropology
LIN/ENG 390. The Structure of English
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics (2 sections in LIN, 2 sections in ANT)
LIN 340. Topics: Language and Social Justice
LIN 340. Topics: Phonetics and Phonology
SPA 322. Spanish Pronunciation & Dialect Variation
SPA 371. Contrastive Spanish/English Grammar and Stylistics
SPA 372. Acquisition of Spanish
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics
LIN 330. Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition
LIN/ANT 333. Language and Gender
LIN/PHI 375. Philosophy of Language
LIN/ENG 390. The Structure of English
SPA 320. Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
SPA 370. History of Spanish
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics
LIN/ENG 309. Modern English Grammar
LIN 310. Sociolinguistics & Dialectology
LIN 383. Language Engineering: Localization & Terminology
EDU/ANT 353. Language in Education
EDU 354. Content Pedagogy. Methods of Teaching World Languages
FRH 345. Language and Society
SPA 322. Spanish Pronunciation & Dialect Variation
SPA 373. Language and Society
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics
LIN/ANT 355. Language and Culture
LIN 380. Language Use and Technology
LIN/ENG 390. The Structure of English
EDU 354. Content Pedagogy. Methods of Teaching World Languages
GES 345. History of the German Language (in English)
SPA 320. Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
LIN/ANT 150. Introduction to Linguistics
LIN 337/EDU 337. TESOL Linguistics
LIN 340. Topics in Linguistics: Obscenities
LIN 383. Language Engineering: Localization & Terminology
SPA 322. Spanish Pronunciation & Dialect Variation
SPA 371. Contrastive Spanish/English Grammar and Stylistics
SPA 379. Special Topics in Hispanic Linguistics: El espaƱol de los E.E.U.U.
LIN 150. Introduction to Linguistics (2 sections)
LIN 330. Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition
LIN 340. Topics: Language and Social Justice